How to get Tester Jabber Operator Skin for free in Modern Warfare 3 Open Beta
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) will soon be available to play as it enters its first Open Beta. It will bring some attractive rewards, like the “Tester” skin for Jabber Operator. This is an exclusive reward that will be available during the beta phase to attract more players to participate and help the developers gather a larger amount of data. The reward is also a great incentive for the community to grind the game and expand their cosmetics collection.
Modern Warfare 3 will provide several items to the player base for playing in the test environment. Moreover, the publisher has already announced a long suit of rewards that will be available for the community through the store, and other challenges that can be completed with ease. However, the Vault edition items can only be claimed after the final release.
This article will highlight the “Tester” Jabber Operator skin for Modern Warfare 3.
Tester Jabber Operator skin in Modern Warfare 3 Open Beta: How to unlock it for free in MW3
Here is how you can easily get your hands on the new “Tester” Jabber Operator skin in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Open Beta (MW3):
- Launch the game client from your platform and head to the multiplayer section from the home screen.
- You will need to grind the game and increase your account rank up to Level 20.
- Once you reach Level 20, the “Tester” Jabber Operator skin will automatically unlock and become available in the inventory.
- This skin can now be equipped directly from the “Operators” tab on the home screen.
It is a fairly straightforward unlock criterion that can be quickly completed during the beta phase's limited time. However, this is a simple incentive for the community to spend more time in-game. There will also be more items that can be claimed to expand one’s skin collection.
What are the MW 3 beta dates?
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's Open Beta phase will begin on October 6, 2023, for PlayStation users. The multiplayer shooter will fire off crossplay alongside opening the beta for Xbox and PC platforms on October 12, 2023. The second beta phase will be available for everyone, including PlayStation players.
The game is slated to be released on November 10, 2023, and will bring a long list of new changes to Activision’s battle royale as well. The inclusion of fan-favorite gameplay mechanics like slide cancel has caught the attention of the community and created hype around its release.
What are the different Modern Warfare 3 editions?
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) has two digital editions - Standard and Vault edition. The former will provide basic access to the game alongside Early Beta access. The Vault edition is a bit costlier, but provides a seasonal pass and the first seasonal BlackCell Battle Pass bundle, alongside the Soap Operator pack.
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