Is Shitzu Hakuchou Drag in GTA Online worth buying for HSW upgrades?
Rockstar Games has released a new Expanded & Enhanced Edition of GTA Online for new-gen consoles that offers new gameplay elements like Hao's Special Works (HSW) auto shop. The HSW custom auto shop allows PS5 and Xbox Series X/S players to modify their vehicles with "best-in-class" parts.
Introduced in GTA Online as part of the Bikers update in 2016, the Shitzu Hakuchou Drag is a drag bike eligible for an HSW upgrade. It is a modified version of the original Hakuchou.
However, with many sports cars also eligible for HSW customization, users might wonder if it's worth upgrading the bike. For those unsure, yes, it is worth all the money spent on the upgrade.
Why is Shitzu Hakuchou Drag worth HSW upgrade in GTA Online?
The Hakuchou Drag is a power-house motorcycle with a strong, powerful inline-4 engine and a 6-speed gearbox. Its acceleration is remarkable even without any upgrade, making it one of the fastest bikes in GTA Online.
Once the sports bike gets equipped with the right HSW performance upgrade, it can reach a staggering 253.47 km/h (157.50 mph), the highest top speed any vehicle can attain in GTA Online. The upgraded top speed with outstanding acceleration makes it the beast of speed.
Gamers can also equip the bike with bulletproof tires, making it almost unstoppable. The vehicle defines the right combination of power, speed, and beautiful bodywork.
If equipped, players can win any race/time with it or complete missions/heists in no time. It also helps them in their daily grind in the game.
Being the only bike available for HSW upgrades, it is a must-buy for users.
How to HSW upgrade a Shitzu Hakuchou Drag
First, players must purchase the Shitzu Hakuchou Drag from Legendary Motorsport for $976,000.
Afterward, they should head to the LS Car Meet location, an underground indoor facility marked on the map. Once inside, users may enter the workshop from the Interaction Menu to customize their vehicle.
Users should note that the Shitzu Hakuchou Drag needs to be converted into an HSW-compatible version before applying any upgrade. They can do so for $1,450,000. Once it’s converted, they can apply console-exclusive visual and performance upgrades to the bike.
What are the different types of HSW upgrades available for the bike?
Readers have lots of options to customize the bike according to their likes and tastes.
These are the upgrade parts available for the bike:
- HSW Liveries
- HSW Brakes
- HSW Transmission
- HSW Brakes
- HSW Engine Tunes
- HSW Turbo Tuning
- HSW Modes
To sum it up, the GTA Online Expanded & Enhanced version allows users to drive this superbike with next-gen visuals and smoother frame rates and complete Online events with speed.
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