
JustaMinx shares "pregnancy" update on Twitter, leaves streaming community divided

Irish-born Twitch streamer Becca "JustaMinx" came under flak after posting a picture on Twitter claiming to be pregnant. Beccah jocularly posted a picture of the pregnancy kit on her socials, pretending to be the one who ran the test. Moments later, however, users discovered that the picture was taken from Google, indicating that she was only playing a Christmas prank.

Although the majority of her fans either played along or moved on from the post, others shared their reactions, calling out the streamer for making a supposedly insensitive joke by feigning a maternity test.

The streamer herself made a response by stating that it was all for a few laughs. By her own admission, she claimed to be "infertile."

JustaMinx scrutinized for her maternity post by online community

JustaMinx is no stranger to making posts that raise a few eyebrows. Earlier today (December 26), the 26-year-old took to her Twitter account to post a picture of a maternity testing tube depicting being pregnant.

The picture, however, did not belong to her. Twitter users quickly figured out that the picture was taken from Google. The post went on to amass many comments, with reactions largely divided. While many shrugged it off, some went on to vilify her.

A fellow Twitch streamer, Kitsu Queen, responded by stating that the post was a "shi**y" one. They wrote:

Twitch streamer calls out JustaMinx (Image via Twitter)

Another user shared a heartfelt message stating that motherhood is a dream for many, indicating that the post may have been distressing to some. They wrote:

Here are some other relevant reactions:

After seeing the detractors, the streamer herself shared a response. She asserted that her heavy medication will prevent her from getting pregnant:

"hey babes, it's a joke. im literally infertile because of my epileptic meds. block me and move on."

At the same time, many users appeared to be aligned with JustaMinx's casual approach to the post. Here are some of the tweets:

Her post was also shared by popular social media creator Daniel "Keemstar" who sarcastically reported by tweeting:

He also posted a screenshot of Becca's earlier response, posting:

Becca responded by saying:

Becca claps back at Keemstar for sensationalizing her tweets (Image via Twitter)

This is not the first time JustaMinx has been under the cosh. Back in September 2022, Twitch streamer Toxxxicsupport shared a Twitlonger accusing Becca of being toxic towards her. To read about the entire story, click here.

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Christie Applegate

Update: 2024-05-10